We are always on the lookout for new and exciting Speciality Acts.
There are normally 3-4 three minute slots in each season's show dedicated to an unusual form of Act.
Previous years have seen Diabolists, Magicians, Quick Change Artistes, Hula Hoop Artistes, Skaters, Cyr Wheels and Contortionists take part.
Please note due to the height of our stage we rarely have aerial acts.
Full technical and costume support is offered and rehearsalsstarted mid-late October for the opening on the 8th November, with the last performance on the 23rd December.
There are normally 2 shows a day, 7 days a week.
We at Thursford are committed to having a diverse range of skills, experience and talent working with us both front and backstage, and as such we’re keen for applicants from under-represented groups to apply; which include those from all ethnic backgrounds, lower socio-economic groups, the LGBTQIA+ community and different backgrounds, to ensure we are truly representative of all.
Please contact George Cushing if interested in applying.